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Songbirds by the Stream CD

SKU: 10152
Sale Price:  $15.98


Songbirds by the Stream CD


The Songbirds by the Stream CD by Dan Gibson will have you following an easy flowing stream into the heart of the forest where you will discover the magical melodies of over 30 songbirds. Presented in surround sound, Dan Gibson's superb digital field recordings reveal a tranquil world of warblers, thrushes, sparrows and many other delightful species.

This continuous play album offers 23 separate tracks that allow for easy access to preferred sections. You will be able to refer to the liner notes for a detailed listing of species.

Format: CD
Primary Artists: Dan Gibson
Label: Solitudes (Somerset Entertainment)

Sound Sample:

Track Listing:

1. Songbirds by the Stream

Total Running Time: 61:54


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